1) I wanna get a dog..make that two dogs
2) Im nocturnal
3) I miss Melbourne :(
4) I love studying what im studying now (counselling)
5) yes im a geek and proud of it
6) i hate contact lenses
7) I have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (diagnosed waaaaay after my schooling days were over so the info didn't help!!!)
8) when wasted i stone or philosophise
9) i love my cats bindi & zadie..
10)... so much my hubby has to wonder who im cooing at - him or the cat
11) i am bubble-girl..i get allergic reactions to god knows how many things
12) i love all kinds of colors, music and movies...
13) ...i dont know if thats eclectic or if eclectic is a polite word for confusingly screwed up
14) if i could have a job just travelling and holidaying..sigh....
15) gimme a thouand bucks and i can show u how to get as many things in that amt..budget but good shopper
16) loves nature
17)has to have one GOOD cup of coffee a day to keep me going
18) recently love to write, create (crafts, articles of clothing, designing bags, jewellery making etc)
19) hates all the isms that are prejudice-based: sexism, ageism, sizeism..
20) wants to work for the UN one day...............
21) has recently immersed herself in her rich heritage and seeks spiritual reality
22) is totally addicted to anyone's Wii and her Macbook
23) loves celebrating everyone else's b'days save for hers..old habit
24) has become a Man Utd fan over the yrs as a result of being married to an ardent one
25) wonders if this shit is gonna bore ppl :p
draw together 2025
i'm doing wendy mac's draw together on substack. i started it last year as
well, but didn't get very far. i'm already a little bit behind (i've been
1 week ago
Great minds... ;-)