Monday, June 8, 2009

Take Two: The Misfits (Optimism post sequel)

So since the first entry its been revelation upon revelation :

- we find allies, kinship whatever you call some level of friendship when you have given up trying..go ahead nod your head, yes this one's very true. Some paradoxical way of life!

- less company = less external noise, some solitude. It can be looked upon in black or white..or shades of grey depending on the individual. By that i mean, it can either be seen as sadness @ being lonely or enjoying loneliness or learning how to enjoy ur own company without living the life of a mountain tortoise

-a different point of view is what is is: a different point of view! don't analyse, read in between lines. why complicate matters? when you take it as it is, its bound to bring about less defensive reactions and more food for thought. or you can just have a good laugh! 

-opening the mind up to other perceptions of your personal truths opens the worldview you hold into new dimensions. Its exciting, refreshing and scary at first but very intoxicating

- empathy is not just something counsellors need. Empathy versus sympathy or apathy as a WORD itself holds great value. Use empathy in your lives, see how much less bitter mundane problems will feel. Truth is, you're probably already using it but you just don't know it. 

So in empathy we attempt to understand where others come from, by putting our feet into their shoes (NOT LITERALLY!) We walk a mile in those shoes, and even the most difficult person to comprehend begins to make sense to you. Now i'm not saying she/he will make complete sense and you will achieve enlightenment (you wish!) and you will NOT have difficulties relating to fellow earth dwellers. you may possibly not elicit strong unpleasant emotions as much as you do and a show of hands which nutter here enjoys unhappy emotions? 

If THAT doesn't work or make sense go hide your head like an ostrich under the ground hahahahaha...naaah.

ask aarti the schmuck who gave you these grand ideas :p 

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