Monday, June 8, 2009


I had to write a note after spending hours googling how to be optimistic. what has life come to? 

It feels lonely even among a cacophony of noise, ocean of sights. i live in busy cosmo singapore, this is BEYOND ridiculous. Come let me share with you my problems lah.

Talking to smart people leaves you smarting. affection and relation are thrown out of the window. Anything beyond politics, history, philosophy, books, film noir, travel..whatever, you name it, goes past their realm of conversation. 

Talking to sociable person makes one feel like they're going to reach their next social stop any minute and u will be left out cold. Yikes. The word shallow, attention grabbing and ppl pleasing comes to mind.

Talking to an unsociable person means you have coax the talk out of them, and at the end 
feel deflated! Damn tiring.

Talking to a chatty person has its perks, but staying in focus is not one of em. ADHD rings a big bell everytime. 

Talking to a temperamental person seriously leaves you mental. Like the Indians say, don't be senti or i'll get mental. 

Talking to an attractive person give you painful evesight. They have shifty eyes, always looking for who is checking em out. If you try keeping up you will get CROSSEYED. They suddenly start laughing to show off their pearlies and bat their eyelashes so the other can notice. very bewildering behavior. I tried it and i looked like a P.sycho. 

I've had a hard time trying to figure whats it my lingo, demeanour or what??????? Thankfully in recent times moi has met other ppl who're totally singled out like me for reasons only planets Ofana and Canano can explain 

(when i worked with kids..asked 2 kids which planets they came from. These two planets were their answers :p),

and i seem to be forming a band of 'misfits'.

I like :D

To be updated... 

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