Monday, June 8, 2009

Hey Momma

Momma and I have a relationship neither my father or sister can deny. 
I was her first-born, her sunny bonny dawn,
who brought her 9 months of labour and now 27 years on.. she still dotes on her sunny-bonny slice of dawn

she didn't know what to do with this gawky awkward girl who hated all good dresses, did away with pretty tresses... who played auto-mechanic with cars, wrestled with much older cousins, turned tomato-red screaming like a banshee when angry and climbed a tree at any chance. Alas what do you do when your first-born girl beheads Barbie Dolls and would rather be The Incredible Hulk than play play with pink toy ponies?

So Momma put extra effort in making the younger one learn of girlish ways.
The older one she taught courage, independence and all brave women think swell.
Speak Up! Let no person walk over you! Be proud of what you are! Be whomever you want to be. Astronaut? Fine. Artist? Go right ahead. Psychologist? Thats divine!
Love your curves, nurture your loves, live right off the curb. Rebel but with worthy causes young girl.

Momma likes to have her way, giver her say : Till today Momma shakes her head and says "When will you not walk like a samseng while wearing a dress? You are not supposed to dance as you walk to your wedding altar! My Goodness girl, don't read in bed that late!"

Little does she know, the woman-child indulges in these tut-tuts. 
She craves for the gentle scoff. 
Life changes in so many ways, but teddy-berra Momma stays the same and she likes it that way :)

Momma, i cried everytime you were even 5 minutes late to pick me up from school and you know it. 
Momma, i still cannot bear losing you in a crowd. Thank goodness your bright clothes, 
bright smile and brightly dyed hair always stands out!

Momma, you let me have my way and watch every single Amitabh Bachan movie over and over again to get me to eat.
Momma, i still eat extra slow when i'm with you to have you fondly recollect those times then chide me 'beta, faster eat'

Momma, i know you have not been perfect. I know you were ill. I love you despite the past.
Im far from the perfect daughter yet you love me still.

Momma, for everything i endured at home, the tears the blood the pain...
i know you felt it too, many times more than my own pain
I know you had no choice and kept silent,
and secretly rejoiced when i finally had my way not to stand the violence :)

You miss me when i stay away from the family, daddy and i still have our rage
You miss me when i stay away from the family, the sister and i don't like who the other has become of late

You nursed me back to health when i busted my leg in a mad rage,
You spoke to me when you weren't supposed to, eventho daddy warned you to stay away,
You kissed my fears away and promised to fight the nitemares away
You cry when i cry still; 
You cried inside when your baby lost her fought ur tears to take away my tears 
You love without a price;
i've misunderstood Momma in many instances, and she's done the same,
but together Momma and i will always make a happy picture of love n goodwill 
Until time stands still...

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