Monday, June 8, 2009

making peace

Year by year i find different aspects of life more enriching than the other..
I wanted to grow older so badly when i was a kid, now i want to savour every single day
I wanted to stay svelte, without any physical imperfection so people would see me at 15,
I wanted people to take notice of my work when i was 19, 
I wanted my parents to understand what the age 21 signified to me - freedom to relate, openness, independence. 

TODAY i am the sum of the child i was and still hold on to, different 'mothers', 'grandmothers' that have come and gone. 

I am the sum of the teachers who made a difference and saw something beyond what peers saw - of Kavya (poetry) and Itihass (history), Bhaasha (languages), Kalaa (art), Manovigyaan (psychology), Abhinay (performing), Sur (music), Nritya (dance)

I am my mother's vicarious voice - a woman standing in her might and right
I am my father's conscience and strength 
Life takes on a new purpose when you have seen manifest what you can be beyond culture, societal norms/expectations. 

Somedays i wonder who's saner: us in our offices, with business jackets or the person with a varied point of view in a straijacket. We fear the latter, despise his deviance. But what do we know of him that we know any more of ourselves? 

Just take a pause to reflect upon the simple things that cost not a cent but feel awesome. 
I just did. 

My heart stopped for a minute because i lost the will to live,
irony is i help people regain reasons to live, hold onto slivers of hope
I saw that irony the minute i was dead, im thankful to still be alive to type this out and reach out to you. 

Now more than ever i feel the need to surround myself with loved ones. You should too.
Its never too late to call mom, dad or a friend you have departed with to tell them you love them, as long as you're alive and breathing you have a chance to right your wrongs.

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